2025 Liquor License Renewal Application
To submit your 2025 liquor license renewal application, you will need to have an account with us. If you don’t have an account, create an account now. If you have an account, please proceed to login using the login box on this page and selecting the “Create Liquor License Application” option and then the “Liquor License Renewal Application”.
City of Aurora - Office of Special Events
What is an Event?
An event is any organized activity involving the use of, or having impact upon, public property, public facilities, parks, sidewalks or public roadways in a manner that varies from its current land use. It is our goal to assist event organizers in planning safe and successful events that create a minimal impact on the communities surrounding the events.
A permit will not be approved for the primary purpose of advertising a product, goods or services, or if the event is designed to be held primarily for profit.
To submit a Special Event Permit application, you will need to have an account with us. If you don't have an account, create an account now. if you have an account, please proceed to login.
Event Priority
City Sponsored Events
City of Aurora events have priority for the use of any city property or right-of-way. Other applications for Special Event Permits are processed in order of receipt. The use of a particular area is generally allocated in the order in which fully executed applications are received, and in accordance with considerations used by the City in deciding on the issuance of a permit as set forth below.
Annual Events
Applicants who have held an event in the previous year have the first priority for the same date, time and location. This right shall not apply if the event did not follow guidelines set the previous year. See the Letter of Intent in the Special Event Planning Guide.
For a full list of major events in the city, please click here.
Application Fee
A non-refundable and non-negotiable $25.00 fee will be invoiced, following the submission and initial review of any Special Event Permit Application. This includes Not-for-Profit and For Profit organizations.
Special Event Deposit Fee
Per the City of Aurora Special Event Ordinance Chapter 41.5-114c3a,b, an event organizer shall pay to the City:
- At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the special event, twenty-five percent 25% of the costs estimated by the Special Events Coordinator to be the direct and reasonable costs which will be incurred by the City to provide services and equipment for the special event.
- Within thirty to forty-five (30-45) days from the date of the conclusion of the permitted event, the direct and reasonable costs incurred shall be billed to the event organizer in an itemized bill. This amount shall include compensation for any loss/damage or site restoration to City property. Failure to remit payment in full in accordance with this ordinance and Code may impact the ability to hold future events.
Application Deadlines
City of Aurora Special Event Permit Applications MUST be submitted at least 90 days prior to any event date. Failure to do so may result in late fees.
Permit Process
The permit application process begins when a completed Special Event Permit Application is submitted to the City of Aurora. Keep in mind that receipt of an application should in no way be construed as final approval or confirmation of a request. A representative from Special Events will contact your organization upon receiving the application and thereafter will serve as your organization's primary point of contact for the processing of the permit. Copies of the application are forwarded and reviewed by all affected City departments and/or public agencies. Your organization may be contacted to attend a Special Event Review Process meeting. Throughout the review process your organization will be notified if the proposed event requires any additional information, permits, licenses or certificates. During the initial application reviewing process, your organization will be allowed time to provide the City with all pending documents (e.g. certificate of insurance, and approved secondary permits, etc.). These items must be received before a Special Event Permit can be issued. Your organization's delay in providing requested items can delay the City's ability to finish the review process and approve your organization's application.
Compensation for City Staffing
Depending on the size and type of event, the City may require personnel including Police Department and/or Fire Department staff to work the event. The cost of all City personnel involved during the day(s) of the event will be charged back to the organizing agency. The Aurora Police Department, as well as the City of Aurora, has the authority to adjust the scale of certain aspects of your event in order to provide a safe and secure environment. The event organizer will be notified of approximate costs in advance and a twenty-five percent (25%) deposit is required at least ten (10) days prior to the event. An invoice for the remaining balance will be transmitted to the organizing agency within thirty to forty-five (30-45) working days after the completion of the event. For a chart of costs, see the Special Event Planning Guide.
City of Aurora Non-Discrimination Statement
The City of Aurora does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability status, age, or any other protected status in provision of services.
To submit a Special Event application, you will need to have an account with us. If you don't have an account, create an account now. if you have an account, please proceed to login.